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,,I’d been looking for a dog for 6 months after both my dogs sadly died within 2 months of each other aged 13 and 16. I had chances to buy dogs in the UK but was determined to adopt a rescue and couldn’t get one over here so looked further afield.

I came across Misi Animal Rescue and initially fell in love with another puppy. Unfortunately for me so did about 50 other people so the competition was tough and I wasn’t successful. I was feeling a bit heart broken when Martina offered me another dog. As soon as I saw her beautiful face, I was in love again and after the video call I was told she was mine.

The day when Mimi started her journey was so exciting but I was worried sick about her travelling all that way in a small cage. When the man placed her in my arms she was terrified, but after a few hours she was playing ball in the garden and looking a lot more relaxed.

The first photo was Day 1 after just a few minutes of being here I was getting kisses ❤️

She’s been with us for 7 months now and it’s actually her 1st Birthday today on Halloween, (very apt as she can be a little monster). We soon discovered that Mimi knows what she wants to do and what she doesn’t want to do, which can be challenging sometimes, but she is also very loving, funny, playful and loyal that we love her just the way she is. As a strong willed lady with 2 strong willed daughters it’s only right that our dog is the same.

My biggest concern was how well she would get on with my 3 year old grandson. Well, I needn’t have worried, they absolutely love each other and make perfect playmates. Partners in crime. Mimi is not aggressive at all, very gentle and loving and has become a big and wonderful part of our family.

If we can just teach her to stop going through the waste paper bins now 😊😂



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